Bmr calculator net
Bmr calculator net

This doesn't even include calculating TDEE, Total Daily Energy Expenditure. The average of all 7 results was 2477 calories.Īs you can see from my results, even calculators using the exact same equation can give you different results. The difference between the highest ( ) and the lowest ( ) was a staggering 460 calories.

bmr calculator net

( lets you choose between the two equations). With that in mind, I put my stats into 6 different calculators, and these are the results I got.įrom 6 different sites, I got 7 different results. A revised study by Frankfeild et al showed that the Mifflin St Jeor equation to be about 5% more accurate than the Revised Harris-Benedict equation, but further cautioned that even the Mifflin St Jeor had an error rate of as much as 10% After systemic review, Mifflin et al published the Mifflin St Jeor equation in 1990. It was revised in 1984 using updated information to be more accurate. The origina Harris-Benedict equation was created in 1919. Jeor equation, and the Revised Harris-Benedict equation. Most calorie calculators use one of two equations. I am a 32yo male, my current weight is 299lbs, and I am 6ft 0 inches tall. To test my theory, I decided to use 6 different calorie calculators to calculate my Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR. In this post I'm going to explain why I don't trust them, and why maybe you shouldn't either. If you've seen a few of my posts, you may have seen me comment not to trust calcorie calculators. Gender = str(input('Are you male (M) or female (F): '))Īge = int(input('Please enter your age in years: '))īmr = 655 + (4.35 * weight) + (4.7 * height) - (4.(Apologies in advance, this is going to be a long post) If bmi < 18: # First step, is it less than 18?Įlif bmi <= 24: # If it isn't is it less than or equal to 24?Įlif bmi <= 29: # If not is it less than or equal to 29?Įlif bmi <= 39: # If not is it less than or equal to 39?Įlse: # If none of the above work, i.e. # take it elsewhere where it will be used once only

Bmr calculator net code#

# Never write code more than once, either place it in a function or # Get user's height, weight and age values If output != 'BMI' and output != 'bmi' and output != 'BMR' and output != 'bmr':

bmr calculator net

Print('Exiting.') # Try to always notify the user about what is going on If output = 'exit' or output = 'Exit' or output = 'EXIT': # Exit, I put it up here to make sure the next step doesn't trigger Print ('You entered: ' + output) # Try not to print 'random' info # Ask whether to print BMI, BMR, or to exit

bmr calculator net

There are a few other tidbits that will show themselves in the code below, I've heavily commented the code so you can understand it thoroughly. You are reusing the same code way too much, this should be fixed. The if and elif are very badly used, if is for a condition, elif is run if the subsequent if hasn't been satisfied, and if the code within the elif has, while the third one, else is more of a default statement, per se, if nothing was satisfied go to this one. Here is a tutorial to get you started on that. The or logical operator cannot be used like that, this is most prominent in the main if statements. There are many bugs or inconsistencies within your code, here are a few main ones. Weight = int(input('Please enter your weight in pounds'))Īge = int(input('Please enter your age in years'))īmr = 66 + (6.2 * weight) + (12.7 * height) - (6.76 * age)īmr = 655 + (4.35 * weight) + (4.7 * height) - (4.7 * age)Įlif output = 'exit' or 'Exit' or 'EXIT': Height = int(input('Please enter your height in inches'))

bmr calculator net

#Get user's height, weight and age values. Gender = input('Are you male (M) or female (F) ') Weight = int(input('Please enter your weight in pounds: ')) Height = int(input('Please enter your height in inches: ')) Output = str(input('Calulate BMI or BMR or Exit: ')) I have got the code down yet when i select bmi, it goes through the bmi process then immediately after it has finished it runs the mbr, then the program crashes? Well i am trying to make a bmi & bmr calculator.

Bmr calculator net